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Coastal Cleanup
Saturday, September 14
8:00 am – 12:00 pm

This year the Maine Land Trust Network (MLTN) and Friends of Casco Bay are sponsoring their annual Coastal Cleanup from September 7 to September 21. As part of that effort, we are excited to partner with the town of Harpswell to host a town-wide cleanup on September 14. The town of Harpswell is offering free… Read more

Why Dark Skies Matter: Astronomical Observations with Southern Maine Astronomers
Saturday, October 5
5:30 pm – 10:00 pm
Mitchell Field
1410 Harpswell Neck Road

Join us for a night of stargazing, education, and reveling under dark Harpswell skies. HHLT is partnering with Southern Maine Astronomers (SMA) to provide a guided tour of October skies on Saturday, October 5 (rain date October 6). The event will be held at Mitchell Field. The program will start at 5:30 p.m. with an… Read more