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Upcoming Events

Conservation in the Pejepscot Region Panel Discussion
Thursday, February 13
5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
14 Maine Street, Brunswick

Check out this event hosted by our friends at the Pejepscot History Center, and featuring our own Executive Director Matt Newberg! To begin its year-long programming under the heading “The Land and its People,” Pejepscot History Center is convening a panel of regional experts on the history and present status of land conservation in our… Read more

The Secret Lives of White-tailed Deer
Tuesday, February 25
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Elijah Kellogg Church
917 Harpswell Neck Road

Join us for a one-hour presentation on the graceful white-tailed deer. While we see these lovely creatures in our yards or neighboring forests and fields, most of us know little about them. Writer and photographer Ed Robinson of Orr’s Island has studied these deer for years and will share his knowledge of this popular species…. Read more