Day 32: Miniature parks and a nature riddle
Outdoor activity ideas and inspiration
From mid-March to the end of May 2020, Harpswell Heritage Land Trust (HHLT) posted a simple outdoor activity idea and nature riddle for kids every weekday. Some days we also posted other resources, like downloadable chapters of the Junior Ranger Activity Book.
Created to support parents who found themselves homeschooling during the COVID-19 pandemic, these activity ideas are a great jumping off point for any outdoor adventure. Click here for a list with links to all 50 activity ideas.
Nature riddle
Which Maine mammal can swim underwater at speeds up to 34 mph and can slow its heart rate to remain submerged for up to 15 minutes? This animal’s teeth keep growing throughout its lifetime, which is necessary for its diet and behavior. Click here to read more about this fascinating animal.
Miniature parks
This is an imaginative outdoor activity that is similar to the fairy houses and museums described in past posts. Making miniature parks introduces a conservation focus.
- Talk about what a park is. You can talk about national parks, state parks, town parks, trails, land trust preserves or any others you can think of. Ask your children what they like about parks.
- Have your children create a miniature park. They can imagine that this miniature park is for small animals to visit, or fairies, or small people. The park can include exciting natural features, trails and/or amenities. Have them give their park a name.
- Have your children give you a tour of their park, or have them give a virtual tour for friends and family.