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2023-2024 at the Harpswell Community School

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust
June 10, 2024
child sits with Junior Ranger guide book at the beach

The third graders also visited Potts Point on one of their field trips (Julia McLeod photo)

Did you know that Harpswell Heritage Land Trust (HHLT) provides free outdoor science lessons and nature-based play to all Harpswell Community School students?

Kindergarten Science
We explored weather and what animals need to survive. The lessons at school culminated with a fun field trip to Houghton Graves Park.

First Grade Science
We delved into animal traits, adaptations, and senses, including lessons outdoors at school and a field trip to Mitchell Field.

Second Grade Science
We dived into lessons on land and water and compared the diversity of life in four different habitats, including a field trip to Johnson Field Preserve.

two hands holding a gelatinous egg mass

The third graders found egg masses in the vernal pool at Hackett Minot (Julia McLeod photo)

Third Grade Science
We returned to the popular Junior Ranger field trips (which haven’t happened since before Covid). Students went on nine field trips with Harpswell Heritage Land Trust to preserves and trails in Harpswell. On each field trip, students participated in engaging and educational games and activities based around the Junior Ranger Activity Book.

Fourth Grade Science
We explored geology and processes that shape the earth through a lesson at school and a field trip to the Giant’s Stairs Trail. We also learned about the parts of animals and plants that help them survive, which included a clam dissection.

Fifth Grade Science
We discovered more about matter cycles, energy flow, and the earth’s spheres through hands-on, outdoor activities.

a child climbs a pile of sticks in the snow

The nature-based play is often a favorite activity (Julia McLeod photo)

Nature-based Play
We believe in the power of play to enrich young lives. Through self-directed outdoor play, children experience social-emotional learning, see themselves as a source of knowledge and curiosity, build strength and balance, use their imagination, and have fun with their peers. All grade levels participated in multiple nature-based play sessions throughout the year.

This engaging and enriching science and play programming is made possible by Holbrook Community Foundation, Harpswell Heritage Land Trust members, and the wonderfully supportive teachers and administrators at Harpswell Community School.