Container Gardens for the Community
Gardening provides delicious food, exercise, and stress relief, but it’s not always an option. Many seniors are no longer capable of growing large gardens, and transportation may be a barrier to getting to a community plot.
Harpswell Aging at Home, Harpswell Heritage Land Trust, and Harpswell Coastal Academy are teaming up for a second year to provide residents with simple container gardens. Many vegetables can be grown successfully in pots, which can be placed on a deck or in the yard and are easily cared for. Container gardens can provide an abundance of fresh and healthy food.
We want to share these healthy, delicious joys of summer with people of all ages and abilities. If standard gardening presents a challenge, you can reserve free container gardens by emailing Julie at or calling 207-330-5416. They will be delivered to your home in late May. Options include a cherry tomato in a five-gallon pot, assorted culinary herbs in a rectangular window box, or salad greens in a rectangular window box. Limit of one of each type per household. Please reserve yours by May 12.

Julia McLeod (HHLT) and Lili Ott (HAH) with last year’s container gardens. (Photo by Jerry Klepner)