2022 Forever Campaign
When HHLT takes on a new preserve or conservation easement, we commit to protecting that land…forever. That word shouldn’t be taken lightly. It’s a big commitment for a small, one-town land trust.
At HHLT, we believe in forever. We want to ensure that someone will always be around to protect the wildlife and natural areas that make Harpswell so beautiful. But forever is hard to plan for. So, three years ago, HHLT started thinking seriously about how to provide for our properties in perpetuity.

(Photo by Greg Tondreau)
We created a Forever Campaign that would build our endowment—a nest egg to support our 17 properties and 25 conservation easements. Since then, members of the community have been contributing to this huge undertaking.
Then, last year, the Tondreau family approached HHLT about selling 57 acres on Great Island. The property has shoreline along two coves of Quahog Bay and plenty of upland wildlife habitat, too. The family has agreed to sell the property to HHLT for $500,000, which is a 70% discount on the appraised value.
The Tondreaus want to see their family property preserved forever. There’s that word again. It seemed like a natural fit to incorporate this property into our campaign, as it not only represents a family’s century-long ties to Harpswell, but it also adds a property to our list of responsibilities.
Now our campaign has three interconnected goals: purchasing the Tondreau property to create a new preserve, growing our endowment for the future, and bolstering our acquisition fund so we can move quickly when new properties come on the market.