The Successful Completion of a Three-year Campaign!
One thing that always seems to astound people who haven’t heard of Harpswell Heritage Land Trust (HHLT) is the scope of our programs and activities. We have 17 preserves, 25 conservation easements, and 10 trails. We organize many fun and educational programs, work with every grade level in the local elementary school, run a popular day camp, embark on numerous collaborations, and play a big role in our local community. But when you take a step back you realize that we are a one-town land trust. One town. That means that most of the people who support us live in or spend time in Harpswell.

Nature Day Camp 2022 at Stover’s Point Preserve, Katie Hudak photo.
When you look at things that way, it’s pretty impressive that we’ve come as far as we have in the last 40 years.
One of the interesting things about working for a land trust is the emphasis on looking to the future. Not just next week or next year, but forever. With every piece of land we protect, we are making a commitment to preserving that land for all time. That’s why we created our Forever Campaign and spent three years planning and fundraising.
Today, we can finally announce that all the hard work paid off. As of Labor Day, we have exceeded our goal of $2.1 million! This money will fund the purchase of a new 57-acre preserve on Great Island, increase our endowment, and support future land acquisitions. And as much as we want to pat ourselves on the back, it’s all thanks to you.
When HHLT reaches out to the community to fundraise, whether it’s for membership, a new parcel of land, or a combined campaign like this, you always come through. We are so lucky to serve such an incredible town — its landscapes, beauty, diverse habitats, and the incredible people.
We hope that you take a moment to celebrate. Because of you, HHLT can guarantee that we are here for the long-haul, and we will be providing for and protecting your preserves and trails for years to come. Thank you!