2022 in Photos
We are so grateful for this past year and everyone who has shared it with us. In 2022 we built a new trail loop at Little Ponds Preserve, exceeded our Forever Campaign goal, hosted 10 sessions of Nature Day Camp, engaged hundreds of people with educational events, launched our new website, continued to send you interesting and informative newsletters, and much more! As your community land trust, we are dedicated to preserving Harspwell’s natural resources, providing access to land and shore, and engaging people of all ages with nature-based education. Thank you to our volunteers and donors for making all we do possible!
As 2022 comes to a close, we hope you’ll consider a year-end gift. Every donation makes a difference! Click here to make a gift
We hope you enjoy this collection of photos taken throughout 2022. Click on any of the images below to see a full-size version. We recommend clicking on the first photo and then navigating through the rest of the album using the arrows you see on the screen.
- HHLT’s staff. Left to right: Katie Neal, Priscilla Seimer, Julia McLeod, Reed Coles, and Amelia Graham
- Ice over the tide pools at Potts Point Preserve (Lianna Bizer photo)
- A child stands at the edge of a frozen cove (Sarah Hopkins photo)
- Ice at Strawberry Creek (Hunter and Kathleen King photo)
- Snow drifts at Long Reach Preserve (Gina Snyder photo)
- Snow on the trail at Long Reach Preserve (Gina Snyder photo)
- Children play at Harpswell Community School. HHLT provides science and play programs for all students. (Julia McLeod photo)
- Snow castles built by HCS students (Julia McLeod photo)
- HCS students examine a frozen vernal pool in the woods (Julia McLeod photo)
- Volunteer Tom Carr chainsaws a fallen tree at Curtis Farm Preserve (Becky Gallery photo)
- A song sparrow sings from the cattails (Steve Moore photo)
- A Harpswell Community School student fills out an earth spheres scavenger hunt (Julia McLeod photo)
- HCS students brainstorm their pond observations during a habitat comparison science series (Julia McLeod photo)
- Participants enjoy HHLT’s Spring Migrants birding walk (Ed Robinson photo)
- Nat Wheelwright talks to the bird walk participants (Ed Robinson photo)
- 2022 Spring Migrants walk (Ed Robinson photo)
- 2022 Spring Migrants walk (Ed Robinson photo)
- The Walker family visits the Widgeon Cove trail (Lee Walker photo)
- Volunteer Liz Incze paints blazes at Skolfield Shores Preserve (Priscilla Seimer photo)
- HCS students in May (Julia McLeod photo)
- HCS students make flags with leaves and flowers (Julia McLeod photo)
- Students at HCS enjoy time spent in the woods (Julia McLeod photo)
- Long Reach Preserve during the 2022 Harpswell Hiking Challenge (Julia McLeod photo)
- A lady slipper along the trail at Long Reach Preserve (Julia McLeod photo)
- The Otter Brook Preserve during the Harpswell Hiking Challenge (Julia McLeod photo)
- One of several working waterfront panels put on by HHLT and partners. This etiquette panel happened in June. (J.W. Oliver photo)
- HHLT’s Summer Solstice Celebration at Johnson Field (Julia McLeod photo)
- Summer Solstice Celebration at Johnson Field (Julia McLeod photo)
- Nature Day Camp at Houghton Graves Park (Julia McLeod photo)
- Campers at Mitchell Field (Julia McLeod photo)
- David Reed’s dragonfly program at Otter Brook Preserve (Priscilla Seimer photo)
- A few snacks at our Annual Meeting (Julia McLeod photo)
- Rep. Jay McCreight honors Reed Coles at the Annual Meeting (Julia McLeod photo)
- Welcome to our new trustees, Don Westfall and Rachel Beane (Amelia Graham photo)
- A common tern perches on a buoy at Potts Point Preserve (Brock Graham photo)
- Eagle Scout Harrison Whittaker poses with volunteers at the new loop trail at Little Ponds Preserve (Aaron Rose photo)
- Tide Pool Exploration Program in July (Julia McLeod photo)
- Tide Pool Exploration Program in July (Julia McLeod photo)
- Tide Pool Exploration Program in July (Julia McLeod photo)
- 2022 Nature Day Camp (Julia McLeod photo)
- Campers at Curtis Farm Preserve (Katie Hudak photo)
- Campers at Hackett and Minot Trails (Julia Papell photo)
- Campers at Mitchell Field (Julia McLeod photo)
- Nature Day Camp at Potts Point (Julia McLeod photo)
- Nature Day Camp at Potts Point Preserve (Julia McLeod photo)
- Volunteers work on new trail at Helen and Walter Norton Preserve on Birch Island (Priscilla Seimer photo)
- Volunteers work on new trail at Helen and Walter Norton Preserve on Birch Island (Priscilla Seimer photo)
- Nature Day Camp at Stover’s Point Preserve (Julia McLeod photo)
- Nature Day Camp at Stover’s Point Preserve (Katie Hudak photo)
- Nature Day Camp at Mitchell Field (Julia McLeod photo)
- Nature Day Camp at Mitchell Field (Julia McLeod photo)
- Nature Day Camp visits the Historical Society (Julia Papell photo)
- Nature Day Camp visits the community garden (Julia Papell photo)
- Nature Day Camp visits the community garden (Julia Papell photo)
- Nature Day Camp at Johnson Field (Julia McLeod photo)
- Nature Day Camp at Johnson Field (Macey Downs photo)
- Stovers’s Point Preserve at low tide (Rick Judkins photo)
- Nature Day Camp at Potts Point Preserve (Macey Downs photo)
- Nature Day Camp at Potts Point Preserve (Julia McLeod photo)
- Nature Day Camp visits the Historical Society
- Skolfield Shores Preserve (Julia McLeod photo)
- Skolfield Shores Preserve (Julia McLeod photo)
- Enock Glidden and Priscilla Seimer at Hackett and Minot Trails (Julia McLeod photo)
- Volunteer Tom Neal working at the Helen and Walter Norton Preserve on the new trail (Julia McLeod photo)
- The Helen and Walter Norton Preserve (Julia McLeod photo)
- The new trail at the Helen and Walter Norton Preserve on Birch Island (Julia McLeod photo)
- Helen and Water Norton Preserve (Julia McLeod photo)
- Helen and Water Norton Preserve (Julia McLeod photo)
- Helen and Water Norton Preserve (Julia McLeod photo)
- Project ASCO training at Potts Point Preserve (Julia McLeod photo)
- Golden light on golden grasses at Potts Point Preserve (Brandon Andrusic photo)
- Great blue heron at Stover’s Cove (Steve Moore photo)
- Long Reach bog (Ken Oehmig photo)
- Flowers at Otter Brook Preserve (Gina Snyder photo)
- Mushroom Discovery Walk (Priscilla Seimer photo)
- Mushroom Discovery Walk (Priscilla Seimer photo)
- Bowdoin student Angela Delgado and HHLT Development Associate Amelia Graham at Potts Point (Julia McLeod photo)
- Our annual Winter Solstice Lantern Walk (Julia McLeod photo)
- Winter Solstice Lantern Walk (Julia McLeod photo)
- Winter Solstice Lantern Walk (Julia McLeod photo)