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Hunting and Trapping in Harpswell

Don’t forget your blaze orange!
Recreational hunting is a respected tradition in Maine. Harpswell Heritage Land Trust (HHLT) is dedicated to providing public access to its preserves for many uses, including hunting, when appropriate. If you like to get outdoors during hunting season, we urge you (and your dogs) to wear blaze orange.
In 2024, firearms season for deer runs from November 4 to November 30. Muzzleloader season extends to December 9 in Harpswell (WMD 24). Bow hunting is allowed from October 5 to November 1. For more on hunting season dates and state regulations, click here.
Maine Law prohibits hunting on Sundays. According to town ordinance, the only types of guns that can be used in Harpswell are shotguns, rimfire arms, and black powder guns. See below for HHLT’s hunting regulations.
Hunting is allowed on the following HHLT preserves and trails
Birch Island South Preserve (access by water only)
Crow Island Preserve (access by water only)
Curtis Farm Preserve
Doughty Point and Island Preserve (access by water only)
Hackett and Minot Trails
Helen and Walter Norton Preserve (access by water only)
Little Ponds Preserve
Little Yarmouth Island Preserve (access by water only)
Long Reach Preserve
Otter Brook Preserve
Skolfield Shores Preserve
White Island Preserve (access by water only)
Trapping (by permit only) is allowed on the following Harpswell Heritage Land Trust preserves
The grant programs that provided funding for these land purchases required that hunting and trapping be allowed on these properties. Click here for information about State of Maine trapping dates and guidelines. See below for HHLT guidelines.
Curtis Farm Preserve
Helen and Walter Norton Preserve (Birch Island, access by water only)
Little Yarmouth Island Preserve (access by water only)
Long Reach Preserve
Skolfield Shores Preserve
White Island Preserve (access by water only)
Hunting and trapping are NOT allowed on the following Harpswell preserves and trails
Anna M. Tondreau Preserve
Bowdoin College Schiller College Coastal Studies Center
Giant’s Stairs Trail and McIntosh Lot Preserve (Town of Harpswell and HHLT)
Houghton Graves Park
Johnson Field Preserve and Mackerel Cove Lot (HHLT and Town of Harpswell)
Potts Point Preserve
Stover’s Point Preserve
Widgeon Cove Trail
Wilson’s Cove Trail
Harpswell Heritage Land Trust (HHLT) Hunting Guidelines
- Hunters and trappers must follow all state and local hunting laws and regulations.
- Trappers must obtain written permission from HHLT before placing any traps.
- Hunters may not shoot across established walking trails.
- Baiting is prohibited at any time regardless of Maine hunting laws, except for when trapping.
- Target shooting is prohibited.
- Placing a tree stand or ground blind requires a permit from HHLT. Contact HHLT at 207-721-1121 or emma@hhltmaine.org.
- Ground hunting blinds are permitted for duck hunting only.
Harpswell Heritage Land Trust (HHLT) Trapping Guidelines
- Trapping is allowed on the HHLT preserves listed above, subject to State law.
- Trappers must get written permission from HHLT and must carry the permit with them.
- Traps may not be placed within 100 ft. of any roads, woods roads, trails or parking areas.
- Access is walk-in only. Trappers may not use motorized or wheeled vehicles to place or access their traps.
- After trapping season is over, trappers must submit a brief report to HHLT, outlining their harvest and their observations about the preserve and their use of it.
- Live trapping of any animal is prohibited without prior approval with HHLT.
For more information or to request a permit, contact HHLT’s Lands & Stewardship Director at emma@hhltmaine.org or (207) 721-1121.
For more information about Maine’s hunting seasons and regulations, contact the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife at (207) 287-8000.
Updated September 2024