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Photo project: This week in Harpswell

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust
February 11, 2025

HHLT’s This Week in Harpswell photo project is back!

shadow of flowers with water in background, orange from sunrise

Sunrise at Stovers, 8/7/23, Steve Moore

Have you enjoyed Harpswell’s scenic wonders? Yes! Have you ever been inspired to reach for a camera or phone to capture a moment of Harpswell beauty — a sunset, a dewdrop, a smile, or the majestic arc of forest giant? Most likely. If you’re like most of us, you’re eager to share those golden moments.

The land trust collects and shares photos taken in Harpswell during a week we select in each of the four seasons. Put on your snowshoes or sunscreen, as the season dictates, and take to the trails and shoreline with your camera. All ages and experience levels are invited to participate!

How to get involved:

  1. Take photos in Harpswell during one or more of the four weeks of the project. Subject matter is up to you. We love photos of our preserves and trails, Harpswell scenery, people and pets enjoying the outdoors, historic landmarks, the fishing industry and more! Please send high resolution images whenever possible.
    • Spring: March 1-9, 2025.
    • Summer: June 7-15, 2025.
    • Fall: September 6-14, 2025.
    • Winter: December 6-14, 2025.
  2. Share your photos by emailing them to photos@hhltmaine.org or sending a link to an online album. Please send high resolution files. In the email, please include the name of the photographer and a caption, date and location for the photo. We also encourage you to post your photos on Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag: #thisweekinharpswell.
  3. Check out the photos we’ve collected. See below for links!

Selected photos will be presented on our website, on social media, in future HHLT publications and on photo note cards offered for sale. They could even appear in the Harpswell Anchor! Click here to purchase cards from our online store.

By sending photos to us, you are authorizing Harpswell Heritage Land Trust (HHLT) to use your photos in print and online and share them with the Harpswell Anchor. You are also authorizing us to sell your images on note cards to raise money for HHLT. Please let us know if these terms are not acceptable to you.

2025-03-09 Mitchell Field sunset (1) Kim Van Zorge