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Harpswell Community Clean-up Week

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust
March 12, 2025

flyer with details of Harpswell Clean-up WeekJoin the town of Harpswell for their Community Clean-up Week! Harpswell’s annual roadside cleanup in commemoration of Earth Day, and in honor of the clean-up’s founder John Gilliam, will take place over the week of April 14-19. This annual event relies on volunteers to clean up litter along Harpswell’s roadways. This event is sponsored by the Harpswell Conservation Commission, Recycling Committee, and Recreation Committee.

Participants are asked to clean up roadside trash during the week leading up to April 19th. Free bags and gloves are available at Bailey Island General Store, Watson’s Store, and Uncle Pete’s Community Market. Full trash bags can be left along Cundy’s Harbor Road, Harpswell Islands Road, Mountain Road, or Harpswell Neck Road. Trash will be picked up on Saturday, April 19 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Participants are invited to come enjoy some pizza at the Town Offices on Mountain Road at noon on April 19th.

For more information, call 207-833-5771.