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Play: Good for all of us

Play: Good for all of us

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust
July 25, 2019

By Alicia Heyburn Have we lost something in our culture? I bet you could think of several things that have shifted in our society since you were a child, but I’m thinking of play. Good, simple, screen-free, sand-castle building, hide-and-seek, sprinkler-running, somersaulting, fairy house making, play. Remember that? Well, its good for all of us,… Read more

By Melissa Fochesato, Director of Mid Coast Center for Community Health & Wellness Although many Americans understand the importance of physical activity, a majority of us are not getting enough. Physical inactivity is now a leading cause of death worldwide. Recently, public health experts have been studying the effects of a person’s environment on physical… Read more

The People Behind the First 35 years of Harpswell Heritage Land Trust

Since 1983, Harpswell Heritage Land Trust (HHLT) has been working with the community to preserve special places in Harpswell, ensure public shore access, build and maintain trails, provide engaging educational programs and protect scenic views, clean water and wildlife habitat. In 2018 we celebrate our 35th anniversary. One of the ways we are celebrating is… Read more

Nature and Wellness

Nature and Wellness

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust
October 18, 2018

By Monique Coombs, Director of Marine Programs for the Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association It should come as no surprise to anyone that I would convey the importance of being outside and in nature with the life of a fisherman. Although, many people do not have the opportunity to work outside every day, or be on… Read more

Junior Ranger Activity Book

Become a Harpswell Junior Ranger! This 68-page, full-color book introduces young people to 10 trails, parks and preserves in Harpswell, while exploring elements of nature that make these places special and fascinating.  Learn, explore and have fun while becoming a Harpswell Junior Ranger!  The Junior Ranger Activity Book was created by Emma Levy, who was… Read more

Seafood in the Spotlight: Herring

Seafood in the Spotlight: Herring

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust
July 17, 2018

By Monique Coombs, Director of Marine Programs, Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association According to the Department of Marine Resources, “the Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) is the most important pelagic fishery resource in the state of Maine.” This is mostly because herring is a forage fish that not only feeds larger prey in the ocean but also… Read more

Third graders raise and release Atlantic Salmon

Every year third graders at Harpswell Community School raise Atlantic Salmon from eggs to fry in a tank in their classroom. Harpswell Heritage Land Trust educator Julia McLeod presents a series of lessons about life cycles, biodiversity, adaptations, clean water and migration. The students release the salmon in the Little River in Lisbon in May…. Read more

Seafood in the Spotlight: Shrimp

Seafood in the Spotlight: Shrimp

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust
December 5, 2017

By Monique Coombs, Director of Marine Programs for the Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association On November 28, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission voted to extend the moratorium on Northern Shrimp for a fifth year in a continued attempt to allow the stock to rebuild. After receiving a scientific update that showed declines in the health… Read more