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Local organizations collaborate to present waterfront conversation series

Originally published in the Harpswell Anchor Harpswell is a vibrant coastal community that is full of waterfront activity, culture and history. There is an amazing breadth of expertise and knowledge in the community that is worthy of being shared. To that end, a group of local organizations have come together to present a series of… Read more

Changes at Stover’s Point Preserve

As of Wednesday, August 18, Harpswell Heritage Land Trust (HHLT) has created a pedestrian-only area at Stover’s Point Preserve. This was done to preserve the wildlife habitat and plant life at the preserve. As an added benefit, families with small children will be able to enjoy the beach without worrying about nearby vehicle traffic. HHLT… Read more

Nature Notes: Ocean Sunfish

Nature Notes: Ocean Sunfish

Ed Robinson
August 11, 2021

“Is that a shark?!!” Unless you are a pretty cool customer, those words immediately trigger all kinds of thoughts. When you are on the ocean in a small boat, it means you are suddenly on high alert. Lane is an experienced outdoorsman, not given to hysteria, but I could hear the concern in his voice… Read more

Nature Notes: Just Itching

Nature Notes: Just Itching

Ed Robinson
July 7, 2021

I dreaded getting on the school bus that morning, anticipating the reaction to our appearance. As soon as we started down the aisle my brother and I were the targets of laughter, teasing and name calling. Since we looked like characters from the 1960’s movie “The Living Dead” the humor at our expense was well… Read more

A Story of Recycling

A Story of Recycling

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust
July 7, 2021

By Melinda Small Nothing has been as satisfying as my trips to the dump (aka Harpswell Recycling Center and Transfer Station). Despite her sometimes gruesome masks, Donnette’s greeting was always welcoming. And once again, I had finished a task that is a grateful diversion from my isolation. At the Center, a very visible sign lists… Read more

Nature Notes: Wildlife Problems

A few years ago, I wrote about wildlife mysteries, relating strange events that occurred when living in close proximity with various species. The star of that story was a female white-tailed deer who developed a habit of pulling up and eating the succulent cattails in the pond by our cabin. Because she carried out her… Read more

New Pocket Naturalist Guide to Seashore Life of Harpswell, Maine

The perfect waterproof guide for your summer adventures! Harpswell Heritage Land Trust has created a custom guide to the common plants, animals and algae found along Harpswell’s shoreline. Printed on waterproof paper, the guide is easy to stick in your back pocket when heading out to explore. This visual guide features color illustrations to help… Read more