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Nature Notes: Whales, a Story of Change

The history of Maine is inextricably tied to the rich waters off our coastline. Yet the sea has always delivered mixed blessings to our state. The ocean was a source of vast amounts of food and great wealth, but many lives were lost at sea down the centuries. Native peoples long harvested marine species, benefitting… Read more

Nature Notes: Black-capped Chickadee

They are everywhere, so many of them that it is easy to take them for granted. Their numbers have been increasing lately, something for which we can be grateful since they are important to our health and well-being. Especially this winter, life without them would be quite different. No, I am not referring to health… Read more

Success! The Strawberry Creek Project will go forward!

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust (HHLT) is pleased to announce that it has successfully raised $350,000 to purchase and preserve two properties at the mouth of Strawberry Creek. These properties make up a key part of the signature view seen across Mountain Road from Harpswell Town Hall and are important to Harpswell’s marine economy. HHLT will… Read more

Three Recipes from Maine Coastal Cooking

Three Recipes from Maine Coastal Cooking

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust
December 10, 2020

Try out three recipes for the solstice from Maine Coastal Cooking – Down East Recipes Dating from 1664, which was published in 1963. Spiced Cider 1 gallon cider 1 tablespoon whole cloves 1 tablespoon allspice berries 4 sticks cinnamon (about 2 inches each) 3 lemons (optional) 3 oranges (optional) Place cider and spices in a… Read more

Greeting the Return of the Sun

Greeting the Return of the Sun

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust
December 8, 2020

By Cynthia Friend Probably the world’s oldest profession was “sky-watcher.” These were the ones who watched, remembered, and knew things. They could answer important questions like, “Is the sun ever coming back? When?” This was before there were numbers—before there was math! Until modern times, people have awaited the first sunrise that follows the longest… Read more

Make your own Winter Solstice Lantern

Make your own Winter Solstice Lantern

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust
December 8, 2020

There are many ideas and options for making winter solstice lanterns. Here are a few of our favorites. Glue and Tissue Paper Lantern Click here for directions. Milk Carton and Papier Mache Lantern Click here for directions. Glass Jar and Tissue Paper Lantern Click here for directions. Paper Lantern Gather these materials: Thick watercolor paper…. Read more

Nature Notes: Flying Squirrel

Nature Notes: Flying Squirrel

Ed Robinson
December 4, 2020

The afternoon slipped away quietly as another Indian summer day drifted into memory. At the end of each day, soon after sunset, there comes a time when the light suddenly drops as if a switch flips from daylight to dusk. Leaning against an ancient black cherry tree, I enjoyed the solitude of the forest while… Read more

Nature Notes: Piping Plover

Nature Notes: Piping Plover

Ed Robinson
November 10, 2020

One of the hazards of watching the evening news while eating your dinner is that you may end up with indigestion. No, this is not a story about the recent elections – we all need a few months to recover from those. Rather I’m talking about those two-minute clips about disasters and tragedies that occur… Read more

Plastics in Our Environment

Plastics in Our Environment

Ed Robinson
November 9, 2020

“Just one word. Plastics.” So said neighbor Mr. McGuire with great conviction. But young Benjamin Braddock was far more interested in the career advice from Mr. Robinson, another neighbor, to “…sow a few wild oats” particularly with Mrs. Robinson in the classic 1967 movie “The Graduate.” Since 1967 the world has certainly embraced the use… Read more