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Nature Notes: Fox

Nature Notes: Fox

Ed Robinson
April 28, 2013

Rob Bryan photo Watch these creatures in the wild, or spend time working and playing with them as I did long ago, and you will gain an appreciation for these ultimate survivors. There are 12 species of true foxes around the world, ranging from the common red fox, the more elusive gray fox, to the… Read more

Pott’s Point Preserve: A Slice of Paradise

If you long to feel the wind in your hair, and to fill your lungs with bracing sea air without leaving dry land, I have just the place for you: Harpswell Heritage Land Trust’s Pott’s Point Preserve. To my mind’s eye, this “pocket preserve” has just about everything you could want if you love Harpswell… Read more

Nature Notes: Vernal Pools

Under the snows of winter, Mother Nature is preparing a seasonal treat for us as we eagerly anticipate mud season. Ok, I was stretching things a bit since mud season is generally viewed as the worst time of year in Maine. But the snow pack and rains that will follow are vital parts of the… Read more

Nature Notes: Animal Tracking

Red squirrel tracks in the snow. If you want to play detective, there is a much you can learn from reading footprints left by some of the wild inhabitants of Harpswell. As a boy, I had the run of thousands of acres of land near my home. The woods and fields were filled with a… Read more

Nature Notes: Wild Turkey

Nature Notes: Wild Turkey

Ed Robinson
January 28, 2013

Lane Soltesz photo Sorry to disappoint bourbon drinkers, but this article is about those long-legged, tall-necked birds you see in Harpswell fields or sometimes at your bird feeder. It is common to see up to 20 birds in a flock, most of them hens and their young. The more sharp eyes peeled for predators, the… Read more

Giant’s Stairs Trail: Walking with Giants

Harpswell has many trails worth your time and energy, but if you only walk one trail in town I recommend the Giant’s Stairs walk on the southeast tip of Bailey Island. We have walked here in all kinds of weather, in all 4 seasons, and it never disappoints. Seeing the spectacular rock formations and stunning… Read more

Nature Notes: Common Eider

Nature Notes: Common Eider

Ed Robinson
December 28, 2012

Now that winter is here, welcome back one of Harpswell’s more spectacular birds. The largest duck in Maine is known as the “common eider” (somateria mollisima) to distinguish it from the more unusual king and spectacled eiders, but there is nothing common about these beauties. A full grown adult can reach 28″ long, with a… Read more

Follow the Tracks to Skolfield Shores

Just when you thought Harpswell was due for another green Christmas, December 16 brought a storm system to the region. Two inches of snow gave me an excuse to visit one of my favorite places in town, the Skolfield Shores Preserve. This 19 acre parcel, located next to Merruncoonegan Farm on Route 123, has been… Read more

Hackett and Minot Trails: At Work in the Woods

On a fine August afternoon, we meandered along a woodland trail on Harpswell Neck. Bruce McDougall was in his element – he’s a retired surgeon who attends week long courses on ferns and mosses. I enjoy Nature’s variety of mosses and ferns along the Maine coastline as much as the next fellow, but an entire… Read more