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Anniversary Stories: Memories on Orr’s Island

Anniversary Stories: Memories on Orr’s Island

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust
March 28, 2023

Dear HHLT, I am forever grateful to my uncle Russell Houghton and my cousins Allan and Patty Graves for donating a portion of the Royal Rest property on Orr’s Island to your organization. Knowing that the Houghton Graves Park is forever protected from development means so much to myself and my family. I can’t even… Read more

Nature Notes: Weasel Confusion

Nature Notes: Weasel Confusion

Ed Robinson
March 7, 2023

One of the joys of writing nature books is the opportunity to share my photo presentations with people around Maine. From Kittery to Bar Harbor, Rangeley to Harpswell, folks of all ages enjoy seeing photos of wildlife and telling their own stories about encounters in the outdoors. At times I wonder who is getting more… Read more

Protecting our Dark Sky

Harpswell is known for its iconic views of sea and shore. North, south, east or west, spin the compass and you’ll find scenes of great natural beauty all around. Well, here’s another direction to look and see something amazing. Up. The night sky in Harpswell is one of the town’s treasures, dotted with planets, stars… Read more

Remembering Robert McIntyre

Sharon Whitney and Dorothy Rosenberg both contributed to this article. Come spring, Harpswell’s air is sweet with blossoming scents, particularly, the scent of apple blossoms. Wander the Harpswell Heritage Land Trust trails at Houghton Graves Park on Orr’s Island or the Curtis Farm Preserve on Harpswell Neck and you’ll see an array of young apple… Read more

Nature Notes: Eastern Gray Squirrel

Nature Notes: Eastern Gray Squirrel

Ed Robinson
January 30, 2023

Please consider a vital question – how can an animal with a brain the size of a walnut be so devilishly clever, defeating nearly every human-designed device and construction to keep him out? If you like to feed the birds, you know exactly what I mean. There are many YouTube videos to prove just how… Read more

Enjoy the outdoors in winter!

Enjoy the outdoors in winter!

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust
January 25, 2023

It’s easy to feel cooped up during the cold and dark of winter. It’s worth the effort to overcome your inertia and get yourself and your family outside! Research shows that being outdoors helps our mood, our brain and our body. Luckily in Harpswell there are lots of options for where to go. This being… Read more

Presentations by Author Ed Robinson on the Mystery of Maine’s Wildlife

Harpswell author Ed Robinson has been writing and speaking about the outdoors for years. His new presentation features superb photographs of many of Maine’s wild creatures, both the iconic and the secretive. Ed will share fascinating stories about these creatures and help us to understand more about their lives. Growing up in the Finger Lakes… Read more

HHLT’s First 40 Years

2023 marks a substantial milestone for Harpswell Heritage Land Trust: we are now 40 years old! From our formation by the Harpswell Historical Society, to our evolution from Harpswell Heritage Trust to Harpswell Heritage Land Trust, to our shift from an all-volunteer to a staffed organization, and our increase in the depth and breadth of… Read more

Guide to Harpswell Waterfront Published

Guide to Harpswell Waterfront Published

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust
January 10, 2023

Originally published in the Harpswell Anchor. A new guide to the Harpswell waterfront aims to educate both current residents and newcomers about the community they share. “Scuttlebutt: How to Live & Work in a Waterfront Community” is a collaborative effort among the Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association, Cundy’s Harbor Library, Harpswell Anchor, Harpswell Heritage Land Trust… Read more