Strawberry Creek Project
We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of our fundraising campaign for Strawberry Creek! Thanks to the support of more than 300 individuals and three grants, we have raised the $350,000 needed to preserve these spectacular properties.
Click here to read an article about the project that was published in the Times Record. Click here to read about Strawberry Creek in a Portland Press Herald article: “Looking back at conservation success stories in Maine in 2020.”
Harpwell Heritage Land Trust (HHLT) has a unique and urgent opportunity to preserve an iconic view and the fragile intertidal marine resources at the mouth of Strawberry Creek. Who hasn’t gazed across the road from the Harpswell Town Office to enjoy the view, which depending on the tide, showcases the sun glinting off the ocean or the mud flats extending to two small islands?
The opportunity to preserve a vital portion of this view is now! The owners of two properties, comprising 3.3 acres on the east side of the mouth of Strawberry Creek, have agreed to sell their properties to HHLT if we can raise the needed funds quickly. Otherwise, they will put the properties back on the market for private development. This untouched land protects 12 acres of valuable clam flats and contributes to a superb view. For the beauty of our beloved town, for clean marine waters, for our fishermen…your gift will make a difference for current and future generations!
Click here to read a front page article about the project that was published in the Harpswell Anchor.

Why this property?
Strawberry Creek is the tidal stream that runs next to the Harpswell Town Office and the Cliff Trail. It is an important natural area, with productive mud flats and high value habitat for blue mussels, softshell clams, European oysters, quahog clams, waterfowl and wading birds. The shallow subtidal waters where the creek enters Harpswell Sound contain one of the largest eelgrass beds in Harpswell, which act as a nursery for many marine animals, including lobsters.

Keeping these parcels at the mouth of the creek undeveloped protects the clean marine waters so important to our fishing economy and quality of life, not to mention preserving the stunning view easily accessible to all from Mountain Road.
Click here for an article about the history of the area.
Why now?
The owners have had these properties on the market and are now jointly giving HHLT a chance to buy and preserve the land, if we can raise the funds quickly. If we are unable to do so, these properties will once again be put on the market for development.
We started talking with the property owners before the novel coronavirus struck. We understand that this is a challenging time to ask for money, but we’re asking you to help us seize this fleeting opportunity.
Our goal
We need to raise $350,000 to preserve this vital land forever. We are optimistic about our ability to raise $100,000 from grants, leaving $250,000 to raise from individual donors. We hope you can help us meet this goal.
Any money raised in excess of our goal will be put toward other conservation projects.