40 Reasons to Join HHLT
Harpswell Heritage Land Trust is celebrating 40 years of supporting conservation and education in Harpswell. Together we have protected special places, opened up land for public access, and educated people of all ages. It has been truly a community effort, driven by a shared mission to leave Harpswell a better place for future generations.
To celebrate our 40th anniversary, we are striving to exceed 1,000 member families in 2023! Our members enable all that we do. Will you make a membership donation or encourage your friends, families, and neighbors to join? To celebrate 40 years, here are 40 reasons to join!
- Undeveloped ocean shoreline.
- Trails open to all, in all corners of town.
- Protection of the groundwater our wells depend on.
- The sense of community that comes from working together toward a common goal.
- Opportunities to learn about birds, climate change, stars, and so much more.
- Free beaches on hot summer days.
- Preservation of coastal wetlands crucial for resiliency in the face of a changing climate.
- The vibrant fall colors in the bog at Long Reach Preserve.
- Exploration kits to spark exploration and discovery for children and families.
- Incredibly beautiful places to experience the iconic Maine coast.
- Protection of the clean marine waters our lobstering and clamming industries depends on.
- Story walks.
- Harpswell Nature Watchers – connecting people to seasonal changes.
- Habitat for birds.
- Great places to walk your dog.
- Nature Notes columns educate and entertain.
- The jaw-dropping view at Strawberry Creek – a portion of which is preserved forever.
- The best tide pools in Midcoast Maine at Potts Point Preserve.
- Fishing and hunting spots.
- The picturesque boat house at Skolfield Shores Preserve.
- Engaging, outdoor education for every child at Harpswell Community School every year.
- Protection of vernal pools, which are essential for frogs and salamanders.
- Great photos shared through the “This Week in Harpswell” photo project.
- Collaborative relationships that make other community groups and nonprofits stronger.
- Protection of large blocks of habitat that are essential for lesser-seen wildlife.
- Trail running, kayaking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and paddleboarding.
- Harpswell Day – a celebration of Harpswell’s history.
- Free campsites on Birch Island and Crow Island.
- Scenic views of wild lands at sunset and sunrise.
- Wild blueberries for a summer snack at Curtis Farm Preserve.
- Fun and discovery at Nature Day Camp – creating life-long memories of nature in Harpswell.
- Solstice celebrations building community and celebrating the seasonality of Maine.
- Natural spaces for future generations to enjoy.
- Playing and relaxing at Stover’s Point Preserve.
- Habitat for migrating horseshoe crabs to lay their eggs and return to the open ocean.
- Abundant mosses and lichens lining the Hackett & Minot Trails.
- Support for controlling invasive plants.
- Friendships that come from enjoying the outdoors together.
- Benefits of membership – a tax deduction, newsletters, discount for Nature Day Camp, and the satisfaction of making a difference in a place you love.
- The sense of wonder from holding a salamander or a hermit crab.