In an old song titled Lazy Day, there is a phrase, “…Baby, you and me, and the honey bee.” There is a fair amount of truth in that, not only if you love honey, but also if you enjoy flowers and foods that depend upon the exchange of pollen for successful production. By collecting an… Read more
John Berry photo As I write this article in early March, I sit in my office wearing three layers of clothing, including long underwear. For a few minutes this morning, the sun popped through the clouds and my hopes soared, but the winds soon picked up and the temperature plummeted once again. Yet I know… Read more
A mature whitetail buck is a fascinating creature, the subject of a great deal of research, many hours of television programs and millions of printed words in scientific and sporting publications. Much of the focus is upon the headgear a buck develops each year, his antlers or “rack.” The antlers are made of mineral-rich bone,… Read more
Curt Chipman photo If there is a common mammal more loved and sometimes detested than the white-tailed deer (also referred to as a “whitetail”), I would be surprised. Many of us fell in love with this graceful animal after seeing the classic Walt Disney movie “Bambi,” and have long enjoyed seeing them in parks and… Read more
Mary Robinson photo Maine is blessed with large populations of three iconic creatures that loom large in the imaginations of tourists and locals–lobsters, loons and moose. Around the state, on most summer evenings you will find cars parked near known moose hangouts with folks hoping to spot a moose enjoying a tasty meal of wetland… Read more
Curt Chipman photo The ancient Greek writer Aesop told of a thirsty crow which came upon a pitcher half full of water. The crow knew that his beak was too short to drink, yet he understood that if he tipped over the pitcher, he would not benefit from the spilled water. The crow proceeded to… Read more
Curt Chipman photo You’d think that I would know better, since it has happened at least 20 times in the last few years. The day is sunny and warm, and I am following my lawn mower along a certain section of stone wall. Yet, once again I am startled as our favorite garter snake slithers… Read more
Harpswell has been invaded in the last few years by a pest called the winter moth, with plenty of public education to help us control their spread and their damage to our trees. For over 100 years, we have also hosted another invasive moth that can harm not only our trees, but also humans. The… Read more
Curt Chipman photo You have to love the internet for offering all kinds of fascinating, but sometimes useless, information. For instance, when doing my research I discovered that our favorite little rodents love tomato juice, waiting for the fruit to ripen and then biting the bottom to steal a drink -an endearing trick unless it… Read more
As a boy growing up in Western NY farm country, I frequently saw large flocks of dazzling white birds on the fields. They were often following a tractor plowing up new ground, or spreading cow manure. We knew these birds by the term “seagulls.” It wasn’t until my junior year in high school that I… Read more