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Animal Oddities Wild Turkeys, Springtime Lovers American Crow American Mink American Robin Animal Tracking Atlantic Sea Scallop Autumn Bald Eagle Beautiful Buttonbush Beaver Belted Kingfisher Binoculars Black Bear Black-capped Chickadee Blue Jay Bobcat Brook Trout Browntail Moth Bufflehead Canada Goose Cattails Chipmunk Chipping Sparrow Close Encounters of the Wild Kind Common Eider Common Snapping Turtle Common Winterberry Cooper’s Hawk Coyote Dark-eyed Junco Dormant Eastern Bluebird Eastern Gray Squirrel Eastern Larch Evolution in the 21st Century Fiddle Time Fisher Flying Squirrel For the Birds Fox Garter Snake Gray Catbird Great Blue Heron Green Wood Mystery Groundhog Harvest Time Herring Gull Honey bees Horseshoe Crab Horseshoe Crabs II Hummingbird Moth Indigo Bunting Insects at Risk Jellies Jumping Worms Just Itching Lights of the North Little Brown Bat Little Red Rocket Lobster Long-tailed Duck Meadow Vole Mermaid of Harpswell Minke Whale and Friends Moving Month Muskrat Nest Boxes for Birds Northern Cardinal Northern Leopard Frog Ocean Sunfish Osprey Oysters on the Rebound Pelagic Peregrine Falcon Pileated Woodpecker Piping Plover Pollinators Porcupine Preconceived Notions Raccoon Riding Out the Winter River Otters Rockweed Roseate Tern Ruby-Throated Hummingbird Ruffed Grouse Sandhill Crane Settled Down for a Long Winter’s Nap Sharp-Shinned Hawk Skunk Smelting Snowy Owl Soft-shell Clams Spotted Salamander Spring Peepers Spying in the Dark The Apple Tree The Duck that Loved me The Eastern or Taiga Moose The Sugar Maple Toads Tracking a Harpswell Heron Tree Swallow Tufted Titmouse Vagrants of Winter Vernal Pools Virginia Opossum Water Lilies Weasel Confusion Weasels Wetlands Whales, a Story of Change White-Tailed Deer, part one White-Tailed Deer, part two Wild Turkey Wildlife at Ease Wildlife Encounters Wildlife in Paradise Wildlife Mysteries Wildlife Problems Winter Moth Yellow-rumped Warbler Red-winged Blackbird Sucker! The Lone Star Tick Warbler Time!
Animal Oddities

Animal Oddities

Ed Robinson
September 1, 2020

As the wild turkeys headed toward the log where I rested, I froze in place, hoping to avoid spooking these wary birds with wonderful eyesight. Out in the open with no cover to shield any movement, I gave up the idea of snapping photos as the birds came closer. Feeding actively on seeds and insects… Read more

Nature Notes: Gray Catbird

Nature Notes: Gray Catbird

Ed Robinson
August 6, 2020

Our eyes are often drawn to the flashiest creatures around us, and this is particularly true with birds. This explains the ongoing popularity of the Northern cardinal, the indigo bunting and the Baltimore oriole. But birds with more subtle coloring have their own beauty and may have distinct personalities that make them worthy of your… Read more

Red-winged Blackbird

Red-winged Blackbird

Ed Robinson
July 8, 2020

If I had to nominate the 10 birds on my most popular list, the red-winged blackbird would certainly be near the top. Over the years I have come to appreciate these showy and gregarious birds not only for their beauty but also for their generally friendly personalities. Often I have been in the field planting… Read more

The Lone Star Tick

There has been extensive media coverage in recent years regarding tick borne diseases in Maine. The most common of these is Lyme disease, but anaplasmosis and babesiosis are rapidly growing in prevalence here. The primary carrier of the bacteria causing those diseases is the black-legged tick, often called the deer tick. Maine unfortunately is now… Read more

Nature Notes: Northern Leopard Frog

Photo by Wirepec, iStock In early March many readers would like to be ensconced in warm climates well to the south of Maine. You toughed it out during January and February and you need a break. Suppose you were stuck under the ice and relief was still weeks away! For aquatic creatures like the northern… Read more

Nature Notes: Tufted Titmouse

Nature Notes: Tufted Titmouse

Ed Robinson
February 4, 2020

If you have installed bird feeders for the winter, you are enjoying a range of visitors by now. Most days are filled with song sparrows, black-capped chickadees, downy and hairy woodpeckers and the fast-moving nuthatches. Perhaps you are lucky enough to have some Eastern bluebirds or delicate goldfinches in the neighborhood. We seem to attract… Read more

Nature Notes: Atlantic Sea Scallop

Nature Notes: Atlantic Sea Scallop

Ed Robinson
January 7, 2020

Temperatures are falling and snow is piling up around town. That is great if you are a skier or snowmobiler, but it also spells good news for our dinner table. This is the time of year when one of Maine’s seafood delicacies becomes available to satisfy our cravings. This fishery is also an important contributor… Read more

Nature Notes: Northern Cardinal

Nature Notes: Northern Cardinal

Ed Robinson
December 10, 2019

(Photo by Bob Hilscher iStock) The holidays are upon us, and everywhere you see red – flashing lights, bright ribbons, ugly sweaters, you name it. While there are many shades of red, the one we’re interested in is “cardinal red,” so popular it has an official designation in the Pantone Matching System for paints as… Read more

Nature Notes: For the Birds

Nature Notes: For the Birds

Ed Robinson
June 6, 2019

We have all used the term “for the birds” at one time or another, perhaps to describe an idea we find preposterous or an aging uncle who has lost a few marbles along his way. The online Free Dictionary defines the term as relating to something that has no value or is boring. While some… Read more

Nature Notes: Tracking a Harpswell Heron

Thanks to Maine’s coastal location, and the wide variety of habitats on offer, we are blessed with hundreds of different birds. Over 460 species have been documented in Maine, with around 330 species seen regularly. Some are residents and others are passing through on their annual migration. Although a small community, Harpswell is a popular… Read more