(When Land Becomes Part of a Land Trust — Part II) This is a story about a journey. A land’s journey. One with many heroes pursuing a common goal despite tough decisions and challenges. And as with every story, there is a beginning, middle and end. This one begins when an opportunity to conserve… Read more
Someone asked me once if I feared running out of topics for these monthly columns. Hah! There is no chance of that! There is such diversity in the natural world, and so many potential story ideas piled up on the desk that my ashes will be pushing up lupines before the backlog is cleared. The… Read more
One definition for the word dormant is being “temporarily in abeyance yet capable of being activated.” That describes how I feel after a hard day of cutting, splitting and stacking firewood followed by a long snooze. It takes the old noggin a few minutes to get up to speed for polite conversation with my long-suffering spouse…. Read more
Thank you so much to everyone who contributed to a fantastic 2023! This year we protected the new Anna M. Tondreau Preserve, finished a new trail at the Helen and Walter Norton Preserve on Birch Island, hosted 10 sessions of Nature Day Camp, received more than 400 submissions to the Photo Project, and so much… Read more
Harpswell Heritage Land Trust is celebrating 40 years of supporting conservation and education in Harpswell. Together we have protected special places, opened up land for public access, and educated people of all ages. It has been truly a community effort, driven by a shared mission to leave Harpswell a better place for future generations. To… Read more
How things have changed! When I was young, mankind was still of the mindset that the natural world existed mostly for our pleasure and exploitation, and we were hell bent upon control of everything around us. Our chemical industries were hard at work inventing new products to kill every possible irritating insect and we were… Read more
We had so many great submissions for our last round of the photo project in 2023! We had 110 photos sent in by 20 photographers, so below we’ve included a selection for you to see. Thank you so much to everyone who participated! To learn more about our This Week in Harpswell photo project, click… Read more
History, Ecology, and the Power of Place
Picture it: a tidal cove flanked by salt marshes, exposed mud flats at low tide, and osprey hunting when the tide is high. A place where horseshoe crabs spawn in May and June, where ferns and trout lilies carpet the woodland floor, and evergreens lean and spire toward sunlight. Breathe the mixed scent of pine… Read more
“So, what is that, Scott, 75?” “More like 95, Ed, you missed a few while you were looking for that northern harrier over the marsh!” The location was Mutton Hunk Fen Natural Area Preserve on the Delmarva Peninsula in Virginia, on an October morning perfect for a long walk with binoculars in hand. It is… Read more
Originally published in the Harpswell Anchor Drivers passing the Curtis Farm Preserve on Harpswell Neck on Oct. 13 couldn’t have missed the smoke from a bonfire next to the parking lot. Once again, it was the Harpswell Invasive Plant Partnership at work. Over the past year or so, HIPP has been clearing invasive plants from… Read more