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Nature Notes: Peregrine Falcon

How things have changed! When I was young, mankind was still of the mindset that the natural world existed mostly for our pleasure and exploitation, and we were hell bent upon control of everything around us. Our chemical industries were hard at work inventing new products to kill every possible irritating insect and we were… Read more

This Week in Harpswell: November 4-12, 2023

This Week in Harpswell: November 4-12, 2023

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust
November 13, 2023

We had so many great submissions for our last round of the photo project in 2023! We had 110 photos sent in by 20 photographers, so below we’ve included a selection for you to see. Thank you so much to everyone who participated! To learn more about our This Week in Harpswell photo project, click… Read more

Nature Notes: Yellow-rumped Warbler

“So, what is that, Scott, 75?” “More like 95, Ed, you missed a few while you were looking for that northern harrier over the marsh!” The location was Mutton Hunk Fen Natural Area Preserve on the Delmarva Peninsula in Virginia, on an October morning perfect for a long walk with binoculars in hand. It is… Read more

Curtis Farm Bonfire Disposes of Invasive Plants

Curtis Farm Bonfire Disposes of Invasive Plants

Harpswell Invasive Plant Partnership
October 24, 2023

Originally published in the Harpswell Anchor Drivers passing the Curtis Farm Preserve on Harpswell Neck on Oct. 13 couldn’t have missed the smoke from a bonfire next to the parking lot. Once again, it was the Harpswell Invasive Plant Partnership at work. Over the past year or so, HIPP has been clearing invasive plants from… Read more

2023 Community Questionnaire Results

2023 Community Questionnaire Results

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust
October 10, 2023

Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill out our Community Questionnaire earlier this year! We had a total of 304 responses and we are so grateful for all the feedback we received. Your honest opinions help HHLT understand how our goals align with those of our community. The majority of responses to… Read more

Nature Notes: Jumping Worms

Just when it is safe to go outdoors without fear of brown-tailed moth caterpillars or disease-bearing mosquitos, along comes more bad news. While this new pest will not harm you directly, it damages the environment around you, and if you are a gardener there is no joy in this article. Even worse, this pest is… Read more

Harpswell Day: A Celebration of Traditional Handcrafts and Subsistence Skills

Join Harpswell Historical Society and Harpswell Heritage Land Trust for a celebration of traditional handcrafts and subsistence skills on Saturday, Oct. 14 from 12-4 p.m., rain or shine, at the Harpswell Historical Society, 929 Harpswell Neck Road. Parking will be available at the Elijah Kellogg Church. You’ll find lots to see and learn — all free,… Read more

Nature Day Camp Photos 2023

Nature Day Camp Photos 2023

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust
September 15, 2023

It was a successful, if a bit wet, Nature Day Camp season! 176 young people explored, learned, played, and built life-long connections to Harpswell’s incredible natural habitats and wildlife. Camp parents wrote: “My camper loved every day of camp. She especially enjoyed her time in the water and on the natural playground. She came home… Read more