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Nature Notes: Canal-side Adventure

“Stop!” hissed our guide Fernando, putting his hand in the air as he halted mid-stride along the jungle trail. Since we had spotted a Central American coral snake earlier that morning my first thought was that we had encountered another venomous denizen of the thick rain forest. There are many dangerous snakes in that region,… Read more

Photo project: This week in Harpswell

Photo project: This week in Harpswell

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust
February 11, 2025

HHLT’s This Week in Harpswell photo project is back! Have you enjoyed Harpswell’s scenic wonders? Yes! Have you ever been inspired to reach for a camera or phone to capture a moment of Harpswell beauty — a sunset, a dewdrop, a smile, or the majestic arc of forest giant? Most likely. If you’re like most… Read more

Nature Day Camp Announcement 2025

Nature Day Camp Announcement 2025

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust
February 3, 2025

After careful consideration by both staff and the Board of Trustees, Harpswell Heritage Land Trust has made the difficult decision to pause its Nature Day Camp program in 2025. We apologize to campers and their families, and we share in your disappointment. Nature Day Camp has been an important part of our identity at HHLT… Read more

Nature Notes: Smelting

On a crisp, steel-gray night I sat with good friends and cold feet in a small plywood shack on a thick slab of ice. No, it was not a winter camping trip, rather I was smelting. The dictionary defines smelting as “a process of applying heat and a chemical reducing agent to an ore to… Read more

A Visit to the Kellogg-Dunning House

The land trust and other organizations in Harpswell are the fortunate beneficiaries of generous townspeople with a special awareness of the importance of history. Here is an example. In 1786, a man named Waitsill Merryman built a small wooden house located across the road from the Union Church, just south of what we now know… Read more

Nature Notes: Wildlife in Paradise

Many folks believe that a strict reading of the Bible informs us that while animals may live with us here on Earth, they will not join us in the afterlife. Devoted pet owners who fervently hope to rejoin with Fifi or Cuddles through eternity rebut that view, arguing that God showed great concern for animals,… Read more

2024 in Photos

2024 in Photos

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust
December 19, 2024

We are so grateful for everyone who has been a part of our 2024 here at HHLT whether you made a donation, volunteered, attended a program, partnered with us, or just passed by us on a trail. Rather than try to summarize such a busy twelve months, we wanted to share a collection of photos… Read more

Nature Notes: Green Wood Mystery

“Oh, man,” I muttered to myself a couple weeks ago, “there’s another one!” My thought was triggered by seeing another log pulled apart by a black bear, the third one in just a couple days. The bruins have been increasing in number in the area around our New York cabin for a decade, and I… Read more