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Day 19: Making music in nature and a nature riddle

Outdoor activity ideas and inspiration From mid-March to the end of May 2020, Harpswell Heritage Land Trust (HHLT) posted a simple outdoor activity idea and nature riddle for kids every weekday. Some days we also posted other resources, like downloadable chapters of the Junior Ranger Activity Book. Created to support parents who found themselves homeschooling… Read more

Day 18: Meet a tree and a nature riddle

Day 18: Meet a tree and a nature riddle

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust
April 9, 2020

Outdoor activity ideas and inspiration From mid-March to the end of May 2020, Harpswell Heritage Land Trust (HHLT) posted a simple outdoor activity idea and nature riddle for kids every weekday. Some days we also posted other resources, like downloadable chapters of the Junior Ranger Activity Book. Created to support parents who found themselves homeschooling… Read more

It’s tick season: Be prepared

Thanks to a mild winter, it looks like mud season might pass with only a modicum of mud compared to some years. Yet that mild winter probably means a large population of ticks lurking in the forest and hoping to latch onto us for a meal. However, there is much you can do to make… Read more

Day 17: Build an obstacle course, a nature riddle and the Hackett and Minot Trails  chapter of the Junior Ranger Activity Book

Outdoor activity ideas and inspiration From mid-March to the end of May 2020, Harpswell Heritage Land Trust (HHLT) posted a simple outdoor activity idea and nature riddle for kids every weekday. Some days we also posted other resources, like downloadable chapters of the Junior Ranger Activity Book. Created to support parents who found themselves homeschooling… Read more

Day 16: Senses grid and a nature riddle

Day 16: Senses grid and a nature riddle

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust
April 7, 2020

Outdoor activity ideas and inspiration From mid-March to the end of May 2020, Harpswell Heritage Land Trust (HHLT) posted a simple outdoor activity idea and nature riddle for kids every weekday. Some days we also posted other resources, like downloadable chapters of the Junior Ranger Activity Book. Created to support parents who found themselves homeschooling… Read more

Day 15: Make a museum and a nature riddle

Outdoor activity ideas and inspiration From mid-March to the end of May 2020, Harpswell Heritage Land Trust (HHLT) posted a simple outdoor activity idea and nature riddle for kids every weekday. Some days we also posted other resources, like downloadable chapters of the Junior Ranger Activity Book. Created to support parents who found themselves homeschooling… Read more

Day 14: Treasure hunt for toys and a nature riddle

Outdoor activity ideas and inspiration From mid-March to the end of May 2020, Harpswell Heritage Land Trust (HHLT) posted a simple outdoor activity idea and nature riddle for kids every weekday. Some days we also posted other resources, like downloadable chapters of the Junior Ranger Activity Book. Created to support parents who found themselves homeschooling… Read more

Day 13: Animal tracking and a nature riddle

Outdoor activity ideas and inspiration From mid-March to the end of May 2020, Harpswell Heritage Land Trust (HHLT) posted a simple outdoor activity idea and nature riddle for kids every weekday. Some days we also posted other resources, like downloadable chapters of the Junior Ranger Activity Book. Created to support parents who found themselves homeschooling… Read more

Day 12: Phenology study and a nature riddle

Outdoor activity ideas and inspiration From mid-March to the end of May 2020, Harpswell Heritage Land Trust (HHLT) posted a simple outdoor activity idea and nature riddle for kids every weekday. Some days we also posted other resources, like downloadable chapters of the Junior Ranger Activity Book. Created to support parents who found themselves homeschooling… Read more

Day 11: Fairy houses, a nature riddle and the Devil’s Back Trail chapter of the Junior Ranger Activity Book

Outdoor activity ideas and inspiration From mid-March to the end of May 2020, Harpswell Heritage Land Trust (HHLT) posted a simple outdoor activity idea and nature riddle for kids every weekday. Some days we also posted other resources, like downloadable chapters of the Junior Ranger Activity Book. Created to support parents who found themselves homeschooling… Read more