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Ticks, Browntail Moths and Poison Ivy

This week I went for a lovely walk by a stream in Harpswell, on a property soon to be acquired by Harpswell Heritage Land Trust.  Pink lady slippers were blooming, and we watched a Great Blue Heron clumsily take flight.  It was quiet and sunny and made me love my job. But I also found… Read more

Nature Notes: Jellies

Nature Notes: Jellies

Ed Robinson
May 20, 2016

Early in the lobster season last year, my wife joined me in checking my pots.  As we pulled up to the first buoy, Mary looked overboard and was surprised by a mass of jellyfish in the water.  There were great numbers of them all around us.  We observed them for a minute, then Mary said… Read more

The Connections Between Land and Water

By Monique Coombs, Seafood Program Director for the Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association Have you considered that your actions on land have a direct impact on the health of the ocean around us? Everything that we do ashore, from driving our cars, to building our homes, to caring for our lawns, has an impact upon clean… Read more

Nature Notes: Toads

Nature Notes: Toads

Ed Robinson
April 20, 2016

Craig Snapp photo I decided to write this article when super photographer Craig Snapp shared this beautiful photo.  As is my practice, I went to my computer and began searching for information to expand upon my own knowledge of toads.  The first thing that popped up on Google was a great computer software product called… Read more

Nature Notes:  Wild Turkeys, Springtime Lovers

Ed Robinson photo April is a wonderful time of year (other than mud season), and the birds of spring offer us some of nature’s most endearing scenes: Canada geese on a pond looking for a nest site, bluebirds stuffing grass in their new home, ospreys gathering sticks to expand a nest on a dead spruce,… Read more

Seafood in the Spotlight: Haddock and pollock and hake…oh my!

By Monique Coombs, Seafood Program Director for the Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association With so many kinds of wonderful and seasonal seafood available in Maine, sometimes it’s tough to know the best time to purchase specific products or know what’s available and when. My name is Monique Coombs and I am the Seafood Program Director for the… Read more

Nature Notes: The Apple Tree

Nature Notes: The Apple Tree

Ed Robinson
March 20, 2016

I love apple trees.  It’s not like I am posting their photos on social media, but I’m tempted.  Apple trees are beautiful in bloom, and their fruits are scrumptious.  These trees are amazingly resilient, withstanding an array of pests, diseases and natural calamities.  And it would be hard to find a tree of more value… Read more

Nature Notes: American Mink

Nature Notes: American Mink

Ed Robinson
February 1, 2016

Most young Millennial women of today would not be caught dead wearing mink, or any other fur, but it wasn’t that long ago that a mink coat or stole was considered the height of fashion.  That’s easy to understand since prime mink fur is some of the most beautiful around, and thanks to selective breeding by… Read more

Otter Brook: Past, Present and Future

It is always interesting to understand the history of a piece of property – who owned the land back in time, and how their interactions with the land shaped the property we can see today.  In the case of the two parcels involved with Harpswell Heritage Land Trust’s (HHLT) Otter Brook Project, there are intersecting… Read more