Day 41: Get involved in our “This Week in Harpswell” photo project and a nature riddle
Outdoor activity ideas and inspiration
From mid-March to the end of May 2020, Harpswell Heritage Land Trust (HHLT) posted a simple outdoor activity idea and nature riddle for kids every weekday. Some days we also posted other resources, like downloadable chapters of the Junior Ranger Activity Book.
Created to support parents who found themselves homeschooling during the COVID-19 pandemic, these activity ideas are a great jumping off point for any outdoor adventure. Click here for a list with links to all 50 activity ideas.
Nature riddle
At my home in Bowdoin, we had a baby of this animal living in our wood pile this spring. Mating takes place in the fall. The males can be quite vocal when seeking a mate and the males will fight for dominance. After mating the male may defend the female from other suitors before trudging off in search of another conquest. A single baby is born about seven months after breeding and stays with its mother for roughly six months. Hint: This large rodent has a very effective strategy for keeping predators at bay. Click here to read more about this fascinating animal.
Get involved in our “This week in Harpswell” photo project

Taking photos of nature requires us to slow down and look closely. Pass your camera or phone to your children, and you may be pleasantly surprised by what they capture!
Here are a few techniques to try out!
- Change your angle. Once you choose something to photograph, try to take photos from five different angles. Squat down, move closer, move farther away, stand up on something… Compare to see which you like best.
- Go out at different times of day, especially the golden hour right after sunrise and right before sunset.
- Look for details and textures.
- Try out motion blur images. Move the camera while you’re taking a photo.
- Look for reflections in water.
Harpswell Heritage Land Trust is organizing a photo project this year called, “The Week in Harpswell.” During a week in each season, we are encouraging photographers of all ages and experience levels to submit photos taken in Harpswell. We share these photos on social media, on our website and in our newsletters. It’s a great way to capture a week in the life of this beautiful town. Click here for details.