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Annual Meeting 2022

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust held its Annual Meeting of the membership on July 12. We elected new trustees and officers and recognized the impact and accomplishments of long-time Executive Director Reed Coles. “It’s hard to adequately thank Reed for all he’s done for the land trust over the past 16 years,” said HHLT President Wendy… Read more

New Loop Trail Built by Eagle Scout

If you haven’t been to Little Ponds Preserve recently, you might not know that some big changes have been underway. Little Ponds Preserve is a small, 22-acre preserve on Great Island that Harpswell Heritage Land Trust (HHLT) acquired in 2017. Eagle Scout candidate Harrison Whittaker of Topsham has worked tirelessly over the last few months… Read more

On the Water this Spring

I write this in mid-April, a time when the bays and harbors are coming alive once more. For those of you new to the area, Harpswell reaches into Casco Bay with its 216 miles of shoreline, creating harbors and coves from Harpswell Neck to Cundy’s Harbor. We have commercial wharves scattered along our shorefront. In… Read more

Container Gardens for the Community

Gardening provides delicious food, exercise, and stress relief, but it’s not always an option. Many seniors are no longer capable of growing large gardens, and transportation may be a barrier to getting to a community plot. Harpswell Aging at Home, Harpswell Heritage Land Trust, and Harpswell Coastal Academy are teaming up for a second year… Read more

From grandfather to granddaughter, a fishing tradition continues in Harpswell

Originally published in the Harpswell Anchor “My great-great-grandfather’s boat blew into Cundy’s Harbor in a storm and he decided to stay.” That’s Rob Watson describing how his family ended up there back in the 1850s. The Watsons have run the general store in Cundy’s Harbor since Rob’s grandfather, who worked in the saltfish business, founded… Read more