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Nature Notes: Jumping Worms

Just when it is safe to go outdoors without fear of brown-tailed moth caterpillars or disease-bearing mosquitos, along comes more bad news. While this new pest will not harm you directly, it damages the environment around you, and if you are a gardener there is no joy in this article. Even worse, this pest is… Read more

Harpswell Day: A Celebration of Traditional Handcrafts and Subsistence Skills

Join Harpswell Historical Society and Harpswell Heritage Land Trust for a celebration of traditional handcrafts and subsistence skills on Saturday, Oct. 14 from 12-4 p.m., rain or shine, at the Harpswell Historical Society, 929 Harpswell Neck Road. Parking will be available at the Elijah Kellogg Church. You’ll find lots to see and learn — all free,… Read more

Nature Day Camp Photos 2023

Nature Day Camp Photos 2023

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust
September 15, 2023

It was a successful, if a bit wet, Nature Day Camp season! 176 young people explored, learned, played, and built life-long connections to Harpswell’s incredible natural habitats and wildlife. Camp parents wrote: “My camper loved every day of camp. She especially enjoyed her time in the water and on the natural playground. She came home… Read more

Nature Notes: Minke Whale and Friends

Nature Notes: Minke Whale and Friends

Ed Robinson
September 11, 2023

The middle of August found me wandering around the mud flats in eastern Maine with binoculars plastered to my face. A fair question would be why not slog around in Harpswell’s mud flats? Well, at my age I take any excuse to travel in order to see new habitats and fascinating species. The occasion was… Read more

When Steamboat Whistles Sounded Here: Revisiting Some Steamboat Days of Old Harpswell with John Goff

On Thursday, August 10, 2023, John Goff gave a presentation on the history of steamboats in Harpswell. To view the presentation, recorded by Harpswell Television, click here. The early 19th Century saw the commercial spread of steam engines and steamboats for transportation of both goods and travelers.  By the 1840s technological improvements such as the… Read more

Annual Meeting 2023

Annual Meeting 2023

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust
July 26, 2023

Harpswell Heritage Land Trust held its Annual Meeting of the membership on July 18. We elected new trustees and officers and thanked long-time trustee Lynn Knight for all her work on the board, including her time as Board President. Land Trust members elected Judy Wallingford and Ed Robinson as new members of the Board of… Read more